What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
I highly recommend Lori - she is the best massage therapist in Bismarck. She is very professional and is always willing to customize your massage based on your troublesome areas. She is amazing!
~Jen M~

The Dream
The Dream
Lori is an oddity, by the time she graduated high school, Lori knew she was going to be a massage therapist. Lori wanted to help people and wanted the instant gratification of helping people. Massage therapy was her calling!
After 12 years of practicing massage therapy with other amazing therapists and building a consistent client base Lori decided it was time to make her dream come true!
well.U opened April 1st 2017.
Lori began practicing massage therapy in 2004 and her love for helping people through massage therapy and desire to assist people in finding total health has only grown over the years. She continues to acquire knowledge in new techniques and theories of massage by attending conventions and seminars and just by working with her clients specific needs, such as:
*Fibromyalgia Pain
*Chronic pain from bulging and herniated discs
*Carpal Tunnel Symptoms
*Side effects from chemotherapy and radiation
Lori has found some people respond very quickly to simple techniques while others seem to be jig-saw puzzles with ever changing pieces, this second group led her to think she was missing a key element to helping those people find wellness and led her to seek out other ways of helping people.
In Lori's quest to help people find a greater and more complete state of well being she discovered that many people are lacking in vital nutrients. These deficiencies can lead to:
*chronic inflammation
*general overall pain
*depression, anxiety, moodiness
*plus many more health concerns.
To address these common problems she began working with a line of supplements called NutraMetrix and also received her Certification in Holistic Nutrition. With supplementation and nutrition counseling Lori can help people find the vitamins and minerals their body needs to work at an optimal level.
What our clients are saying
What our clients are saying
Very professional and listens to your pain needs. Every time i go I find myself refreshed. Can't wait for the next time i go. Best in town!
~Zach L~
Visit Us
Visit Us
919 S 7th St. Ste. 502
Bismarck, ND 58504
Mon: 12:30pm-3pm
Tues: 9am-2:15pm
Wed: 9am-2:15pm
Thurs: 9:45pm-3pm
Fri: 9am-2:15pm